Mold your figure with the most recognized brand of compression garments for its design, quality and durability. Diseños Fajas D´Prada offers comfortable bodyshapers for women of any size that controls and smoothens the abdomen and waist. High Variety of sizes that fits from skinny to plus size. Different levels of compression for every body type without creating discomfort, satisfying your needs. Design that provides soft feeling to your skin, perfect for wearing under your favorite outfits without interfering with your daily activitites. Designed with VivelTex technology that provides nutrition and hydration to your skin with its four components: Cosmacol Emi, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin E and Seaweed. Official products Fajas D´Prada Imported, 100 % Colombian handmade. 100 % Spandex. Natural enhancement to bust, waist and gluteus. Diminishes the appearance of flaccid skin. Lycra lining on the inside that offers comfort and feels soft in your skin. Not visible undergarment. Lycra opening in the crotch for easy process when going to the bathroom. Can be used as an everyday shaper or postpartum/liposuction compression garment that helps in the recovery process. IMPORTANT. Use the size chart in the images to select the best shaper for you. Is important to provide all the measurements for a perfect fit. In case you can´t decide between two sizes, choose one size up. 1 month guarantee on this item. Shapewears are selling fast so be sure to click now and get yours! Fajas DPrada ofrece prendas caracterizadas por su calidad y durabilidad, hechas con tejidos suaves que aportan nutrición e hidratación a tu piel. Ofrece diferentes tipos de compresión y gran rango de tallas. Perfecto para usar debajo de tu ropa. Moldea, aplana abdomen, reduce cintura y levanta cola y busto.
Fajas Diseño D´Prada 11112 Strapless, mid Thigh Women´s Post Surgery and Daily use Shapewear
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